  • Suffering From Foot Pain?
    Suffering From Foot Pain? Your feet are under constant pressure, working to balance your body weight as you walk, run, and climb up and down stairs. It's no simple feat, your Read more
  • Treating Toenail Fungus Through Laser Removal Therapy
    Find out when to consider laser therapy to remove toenail fungus. You’ve tried every over-the-counter treatment and remedy to eliminate your toenail fungal infection, yet it just doesn’t seem to go Read more
  • Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain
    Find out what could be causing your heel pain and when to turn to us for help. You might ignore that alert that says it’s time to bring your car to Read more
  • The Benefits of Orthotic Inserts
    How orthotics from your podiatrists in Laguna Hills, CA, can help your feet How much do you know about orthotics? Did you know they can help with gait problems? Did you Read more
  • What Might be Causing Your Heel Pain?
    How your podiatrists in Laguna Hills, CA, can help with heel pain If you suffer from excruciating, stabbing heel pain, it can be difficult to enjoy staying active. Heel pain can Read more
  • What is Toenail Fungus?
    Have you ever suffered from thickness or discoloration of your toenail that could be sometimes painful? If the answer is yes, this could be due to the development of fungus Read more
  • Seek Help for Your Foot Pain
    Seek Help for Your Foot PainYou are wholly dependent on your feet to get around, to do just about everything, so only when you're having difficulty with them it's that Read more
  • Avoiding Infection with an Ingrown Toenail
    Ingrown toenails are known to be a painful nuisance that can ache and discomfort at all times of the day. They can make walking and normal functioning difficult. However, they Read more
  • Smelly or Stinky Feet? How to treat?
    Stinky feet is a common problem. The main reason is because sweat becomes trapped in your socks or shoes, and can create a bad odor. This phenomenon is also called Read more
  • How To Prevent Ingrown Toenails
    An ingrown toenail occurs when the nail presses against the skin excessively. This puts pressure on the skin and can lead to redness, swelling, discomfort and pain. Ingrown nails can Read more
  • The Benefits of Orthotic Inserts
    Find out what orthotics could do to improve the health of your feet. Orthotics are inserts that are placed into the shoes to provide additional cushioning and support for your feet. Read more
  • What Conditions Can Podiatrists Treat?
    At Laguna Woods Podiatry Group, Dr. Neda Arjomandi and Dr. Jody Greenberg provide podiatry care for residents in the area of Orange County, specifically Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Irvine, Laguna Read more
  • What is the difference between OTC foot inserts and custom made orthotics?
    Custom made orthotics, as the name suggests, are made by the podiatrist for the individual's foot type based on the foot condition that may exist. They can be made to Read more
  • What is plantar wart?
    Plantar warts are small growths that usually appear on feet and are caused by human papilomavirus (HPV). They are painful if they are located on weight bearing areas of feet. Read more
  • Covid 19 symptoms on feet? Are there any?
    It has been noticed by physicians that an increasing number of patients have unusual rash that might be associated with  Covid 19 (Coronavirus). These rashes can be in form of Read more
  • What To Do About Smelly Feet
    It’s an embarrassing problem. Smelly feet can make you feel self-conscious. You can’t get comfortable or take your shoes off without worrying that everyone will notice your stinky feet. Have Read more

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