
Home Remedies for Alleviating Heel Pain

Heel pain is the most persistent ailment that afflicts the feet of Americans. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. If you are suffering from heel pain in Laguna Hills, CA, what you want is relief. You will no doubt start with home remedies. If these don't provide the relief you need, Dr. Neda Arjomandi of Laguna Woods Podiatry Group is here to provide that relief.


The first thing you can do at home when you feel pain in your heel is to get off of your feet. Rest is one of the best ways to relieve pain.  Often, the cause of the heel pain is standing on your feet for hours on end as part of your employment. Since it is also caused by ill-fitting shoes, taking off your shoes is also a very good idea.

Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers can help take the edge off of the pain. You will want something anti-inflammatory. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve) will do the trick and provide some temporary relief.


When you have heel pain, you need to do very specific exercises that can stretch the very tight plantar fasciitis. Calf stretches can help relieve the tightness. You can also roll the bottom of your foot on a can, a thermos, or something that can be rolled. This can be done in a seated position while resting.

OTC Heel Orthotics

You can order a heel cushion orthotic at your local pharmacy, or you can just go online and find one at Amazon, or one of the many other places where you can have it delivered right to your home. The extra cushion in a well-fitted shoe will be the next step in your recovery.

If you have tried all of these home remedies and are still in pain, it is time to call a podiatrist.

Dr. Arjomandi is a board-certified podiatrist at Laguna Woods Podiatry Group who can provide the relief you need for heel pain in Laguna Hills, CA. Give the office a call at (949) 581-2520 to make an appointment.

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